domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

Bad Religion Modern Man-Big Bang Video

Y esta canción representa lo que opino hoy sobre mis congeneres

i've got nothing to say,
i've got nothing to do,
all om my neruons are
functioning smoothly
yet still i'm a cyborg just like you,
i am one big myoma that thinks,
my planet supports only me,
i've got this one big problem: will i live forever?
i've got just a short time you see,
modern man, evelotionary betrayer,
modern man, ecosystem destroyer,
modern man, destroy yourself in shame,
modern man, pathetic example of earth's organic heritage,
when i look back and think,
when i ponder and ask "why?",
i see my ancestors spend with careless abandon,
assuming eternal supply, modern man...,
just a sample of carbon-based wastage,
just a fucking tragic epic of you and i

El Orfanato

Fui sin ganas de verla y me gusto. Bastante

La sinopsis debería ser Peter Pan en maligno y real. No quiero desvelar la trama pero es una pelicula desesperante y desesperada.

Bien hecha.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2007

Heroes Madtv

Para los fans de Heroes.